Doing the Most Good Gala
Benefitting the Salvation Army of Metro Atlanta.
2024, Gala Guide
Join Atlanta’s business and community leaders for an evening of philanthropy benefitting The Salvation Army of Metro Atlanta’s education and workforce development and Veterans assistance programs. This gala will take place in the Great Hall of Fernbank Museum of Natural History. Enjoy an evening with like-minded individuals who share a passion for making a difference. Festivities will begin with a reception for VIP guests, followed by a three-course seated dinner, and inspiring words of perseverance from keynote speaker Former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rocky Bleier.
Thursday November 7, VIP reception 6:15 pm, general registration 6:30 p.m., tickets $250 individual ticket, $500 VIP, sponsorships $2500 to $25,000, Fernbank Museum of Natural History, 767 Clifton Rd N E, Atlanta 30307.